I'm a mama of 2 *wild* kiddos that make up everything that I am.  Anyone with kiddos knows how much they can challenge you, and somehow at the same time force you into becoming the best version of yourself. I can, without a doubt, say they’re the reason I picked up a camera to begin with. As I watched them grow  (at what felt like such a rapid rate), I kept wondering how I could cherish these memories forever. The only way I knew how was to freeze time, which led me to purchasing my first camera and never looking back. Every time my kids hit a new milestone, or laugh with each other until their stomachs hurt, or go to the beach and run into the water, I can take the picture that helps us re-live the moment for years to come; these pictures that bring us back to the salty air, the humidity, the taste of that over-sugared ice pop, the smell of the sunscreen, and that toothless smile that will never fade from a photograph. 

I’m Nichole! Originally from Cape May, New Jersey, but have traveled all over

I’ve always loved love and as my career continued, I started to fall in love with people’s unique stories. I started to fall in love experiencing the intense chemistry two people have for each other. The little in-between moments they don’t even see happening, as its happening.  The details that no one would otherwise recall in 100 years. Above all of this, I started to fall more in love with capturing people, just as they are.

My clients want to work with me because they want their stories to be captured genuinely, authentically and realistically. They want someone they can trust with their most special, vulnerable moments. When they look at their pictures down the road, they want to feel the emotions all over again: the wind blowing through their hair, the sun warming their skin, the birds chirping in harmony. Because at the end of the day, that’s what a picture that is worth a thousand words should do.

From there I expanded my passion into the love lives of others, taking candid moments and turning them into digital memories that last them a lifetime


I have an unhealthy Target and GYM obsession

I make it a personal goal to try chicken wings and eggs benedict everywhere I visit in search of the perfect one (and rate them) 

I drink a coca-cola or a pepsi after every single ceremony I shoot #POSTCEREMONYCOKE

I ran a marathon for my 30th birthday! 

I say the word "perfect!" 100x a session!

i lost count of my tattoos!

I have shot in 21 different states (bucket list to reach all 50!) and 4 different countries and expanding!